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Services Provided

Vitality, Longevity and Healthy-Ageing (VLA) 



A scientifically validated test, that is safe and painless, known as Bioimpedance Analysis (BIA) that measures:










This program allows us to effectively assist patients to:


  • Manage weight more effectively

  • Increase muscle tone and fitness

  • Improve energy levels

  • Age healthily

  • Support the nutrition and health of the body

You will receive a report, individual health goals, specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations, on-going monitoring of progress.


Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis


Hair analysis involves taking a small amount of hair and sending it to a laboratory to be screened for heavy metal toxicity.

Your Health

Initial consultation with with Clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath Marissa Nikolakakos educates and encourages you by recommending dietary and lifestyle changes, nutritional and herbal support  where appropriate.



90 minutes (initial consultation)


45 minutes (subsequent consultation)




An initial assessment includes:

  • Detailed health questionnaire and history

  • May include other diagostic procedures such as looking at your tongue, nails and skin  

  • In house testing procedures if required -  Bio-impedence analysis to assess cellular function and ageing, Zinc taste test , Urinary pH test

  • External testing procedures if required - eg, Hair analysis, Blood pathology testing







People Talk

Here are some testimonials from people who use the Bio-compatibility Hair test 

Urinary Indican


Measures the breakdown of protein in the gastrointestinal tract by “bad” dysbiotic bacteria. If test results are positive, it suggests gastrointestinal toxicity. There are many health conditions associated with this, such as all chronic gastrointestinal, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. It may also be very important in conditions such as fatigue, poor immunity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cancer and allergies.


Iridology is the study of the iris, or coloured part of the eye. Through various marks, signs and discolouration in the iris, nature reveals inherited weaknesses and strengths.


It is not a treatment therapy but rather a diagnostic tool used to detect underlying signs of developing disease. The goal of Iridology is therefore to recognise health problems at their earliest stages and to suggest ways to keep disease from developing.

Zinc Taste Tally


A simple screening method for determining the need for zinc. By using the oral Zinc Taste Test, we can determine the need for zinc, and retesting after 30 days of supplementation to monitor the absorbption of zinc levels.

pH Test

"Through doing the Bio-compatibility Hair test I have managed to overcome poor digestion, acute pancreatitis, insomnia, acne, constipation, flatulence and maintain good health.


The test advised that all dairy and soya products should be avoided, along with yeast, eggs, oregano, weetbix and many other foods. When I consume these foods with particular emphasis on dairy products, my body reacts almost straight away and I know that they’re just not good for me. "

"Using the simple Bio-compatibility Hair test analysis has helped me finally to shed the 4kgs that I have been trying to lose for the last few years, just by eating correctly. It was noticeable within the first 10 days or so, and that the inflammation around my arthritic joints disappeared at the same time.


Maybe, I was just bloated or inflamed through eating the wrong things. I am so happy to finally know what foods and products agree with me and which foods/products are not right for my body. I can now fit into my nice clothes and have recommended your allergy test to many of my friends as they have been so impressed with my results."

Tim’s hair analysis has been and extraordinary success already. His skin has made a marked improvement already.

Amazing how foods such as apples, cucumber & lettuce can have such a huge effect. He was eating these almost every day thinking we were being very healthy and (along with near 44 other items) they were only making his skin worse. 

Measure the Acid/Alkaline Balance of Fluids.   Subtle changes to the pH of the body can have substantial impacts on a range of health conditions, including stress, bone density, pain, muscle mass and hormonal balance.


Urinary pH is a good measure of the 'acid-load' within the body.


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